Perfect time to start

Have you had enough? You’ve had all that you can take. There is great hope for you – don’t wait anymore, Just believe and you’ll find, what your heart’s been longing for.

Have you had enough? You’ve had all that you can take. There is great hope for you – don’t wait anymore. Just believe and you’ll find, what your heart’s been longing for.

Deze muziekvideo is geproduceerd en uitgevoerd door de jeugdgroep van BCC Vancouver.

You go on your way,
You just live day by day,
Have you had enough?
You’ve had all that you can take.
There is great hope for you,
Yes, I know that it’s true,
Let your heart open wide,
Let Jesus come inside!

Matters not, who you are,
If you give Him your whole life today –
He’ll guide you all the way.
As His gentle voice inside,
Is tugging at your heart,
It’s the perfect time to start.

Don’t wait anymore,
He has so much in store.
Just believe and you’ll find,
What your heart’s been longing for.
Break free from your sin,
Let new life begin.
Let this be your day,
Lift up your voice and pray!

Geproduceerd door Brunstad Christian Church
© Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag |

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